Sunday, June 28, 2009

'al-Khushoo fis-Salat' by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali - Part 3

The Benefit of the Worshipper's Standing Before His Lord

Author: Shaikh Alee Hasan al-Halabi (trans. by Abu Iyaad)

Source: From the Introduction to 'al-Khushoo fis-Salat' of Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali

The Prayer is a sanctified and holy moment (mauqif) for the worshipper in the presence of his Lord and Deity in truth. He fulfils (by its performance) his covenants, obligations and statements of confession which are contained within and are required by the testimony that: "There is nothing which has the right to be worshipped except Allah and that Muhammed(peace be upon him) is His Messenger" and by whose attestation one becomes a muslim.

These covenants, obligations and resolutions: among them are those of belief, those of speech and those of action; and the explanation of that is as follows:

Thirdly ~ The Tasbeeh:

This is the statement which the worshipper makes during his rukoo' "How free from every imperfection is my Lord, the Mighty" (Subhaana-rabbiyal-adheem) and in his sujood "How free from every imperfection is my Lord, the Highest" (Subhaan-rabbiyal-a'laa).

This is an obligation in speech by which the worshipper declares his Deity free from every defect and shortcoming in His attributes, actions and His rights (over the creation). Among His rights are the declaration of His mightiness in every situation, the placing of obedience to Him before obedience to ones soul or parents, leaders and others besides them.

Whoever declares Allah to be free from all imperfections during his rukoo' and sujood and then shows boldness towards His disobedience when he departed from the prayer, he has reduced/diminished his glorification of his Deity to the extent of his disobedience to Him.

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