Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Solat Tasbeeh

It is recorded in Sunan Abi Dawud and other books of hadith that Rasulullah (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam) once said to his uncle Hadrat `Abbas (r.a.) :

"O Abbas!O my uncle! Shall I not give you a gift? Shall I not show you something by means of which Allah Ta`ala will forgive your sins, the first and the last of them, the past and recent, the unintentional and the intentional, the small and huge, the secret and open?"

Rasulullah (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam) then taught him the Solat Tasbeeh.

Furthermore he advised him that it be offered daily, if possible. If not then every Friday or once a month or once a year or at least once in one's life time.

Solat Tasbeehh consists of 4 raka`ahs. It can be performed any time of the day or night except at the makruh times.

The following tasbeeh is recited seventy-five times in each raka`ah totalling 300 in the 4 raka`ah.

(Subhaanallaahi walhamdu lillaahi walaa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar)

The method of this solat is as follows:

* After beginning the solat by saying Allah-u-Akbar recite the thana ', Sura al-Fatiha and a Sura followed by the above tasbeeh 15 times.

* Then go into Ruku and after reciting the usual tasbeeh for ruku` recite the above tasbeeh 10 times.

* After standing up from ruku` recite the usual Rabbana Lakal Hamd and thereafter recite the tasbeeh 10 times.

* Then go into Sajda and after reciting the usual tasbeeh for sajda recite the above tasbeeh 10 times.

* Then sit up from sajda and recite the tasbeeh 10 times between the two sajdas.

* Thereafter go into sajda again and after reciting the usual tasbeeh for sajda recite the above tasbeeh 10 times.

* Then sit after the 2nd sajda (i.e. before standing up for the second raka`ah) and recite the tasbeeh 10 times.

This adds up to 75 times in one raka`ah.

Do the same for the remaining 4 raka`ah.

[Note : If at night, this solat can be performed with 2 salams - 2 raka'ahs each]


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